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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend of Movies...

Hit the video store on Friday evening and rented 3 movies for the weekend.

Movie #1: Kite Runner; Great story, give it 4 / 5 stars, definitely worth watching.

Movie #2: There Will Be Blood; Daniel Day-Lewis did an AMAZING job in his role as Daniel Plainview, a ruthless oil tycoon in the early 1900s. He continued to prove that he is one of the greatest actors of all time. I think the movie itself overall was a little too hyped up for me as it did not live up to the expectations I had from hearing and reading so much about it. Still though I give it 4 / 5 stars as D.D-L was awesome.

Movie #3: Cloverfield; Non-stop mayham and destruction all from the perspective of a hand-held video camera. This one was dope and on-point for a monster movie! Go rent or buy this one ASAP! 4 / 5 stars.


Anonymous said...

now try going TO the movies - you'll love IRON MAN!

Louchan said...

Kite Runner was a GREAT book, ok movie but that always seems like the case. I liked There Will be Blood. Cloverfield sounds like it would make me nautious being from a hand held camera. Screw that. Now I have to hope I pass the word verification down below so my thoughts are able to post! Oh man....I hate tests!

Samo said...

Yes Louchan, movies never tell the story as well as the books do, I agree.

Your post shows that you passed the test with flying colors my friend!