Just laying back from a long day out on the links in Walla Walla and needed to drop a quick and random piece on how cool the Sharpie is! Think about it, it's a permanent marker that is used throughout our entire lives, yet no one gives it the shout out it deserves. 8 grams of permanent ink that basically immortalizes itself on whatever it comes into contact with! Here is a list of some of the integral roles the Sharpie has played in man's life:
- Your mom used it when you were young to mark your initials on the tags of your clothes, lunchbox, basketball, etc.
- You were enthralled with it at an early age in Elementary school as you realized it was the only pen you could use to write on the bathroom walls. Unlike other weak pens that would smear or be unable to mark the tile, the Sharpie would write your best poetry or classic bathroom one-liner clear as day! The sentence, "For a good time, call xxx-xxxx" owes you everything Sharpie!
- You became oddly engaged with the Sharpie in Middle school when you found out that sniffing the tip of the Sharpie would result in strange and euphoric periods of dizziness. (Disclaimer: Samo's Update does not endorse the sniffing of permanent pens as a hobby)
- You created the world's greatest mix CD and who did you go to for the finishing touch??? None other than the Sharpie, who helped you come up with amazing and brilliant titles for your CD such as, "The Cuts, THA HITZ, Slow-Jams, May Mixes, 90's Hits, Party Mix, etc!"
- The Sharpie played a cruel, yet crucial role at every party, silently waiting in a desk drawer for the poor soul who succumbed first to the power of Vodka. Once the victim's eyes shut and his or her mind went off to dreamland, the Sharpie revealed itself and unleashed its fury on the helpless victim's face, arms, body, etc. Picasso-like artwork would be born and any attempt to wash the artwork off would result in loss of skin layers. Nothing is better than going to breakfast after a late night party and holding in your laughter as your friend gets all the way to the breakfast joint without realizing he or she is a walking tattoo!
The Sharpie's uses are endless, thus why the pen is so damn cool!
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