So we went and saw the new 007 flick, 'Quantum of Solace' and I have to say that I liked the movie a lot. If you haven't seen it yet, don't read on, cause I'm going to give away some bits and pieces of the plot. If you don't care, do read!
Basically, my take on the new James Bond movie was that the producers decided they were going to make a film with a very ambiguous story line, but packed to the gills with action scenes. I would like to see what the final expenses came out to be on the movie, cause destroying brand new Aston Martins and Alfa Romeos, shooting all over the World, and setting off 12,000,000 pounds of explosives can't be cheap.
It looks like they are more setting up a long chain of movies with QoS's storyline. The latest movie answers a lot of the questions people had from Casino Royale and makes more sense of the last Bond movie, but reveals only slightly what 'Quantum' really is. Here is a quick summary of the movie:
1) High speed car chase with Bond driving like a maniac trying to escape from machine gun wielding crazies. (Aston Martin scene, man that car is ill!)
2) Bond kicks some a$$
3) Bond kicks some more a$$
4) Bond finds a person of interest and proceeds to pursue him all over the world for the remainder of the movie...all while kicking a$$.
5) Bond picks up chick with cheesy Bond line.
6) Bond kicks more a$$es
7) Bond flies a cargo plane and somehow manages to outmaneuver a small fighter plane.
8) Bond pulls parachute cord 18 feet from the ground.
9) Bond kicks some serious a$$ in an exploding hotel in the middle of nowhere.
10) Bond finds closure to Vespyr
I probably left out a few details here and there, but you get the idea, this movie is out to prove one thing...how much a$$ James Bond can kick in a movie with a running time of under 2 hours. The scenes are shot beautifully, the locations are choice, and Daniel Craig proves once again that he was born to play Bond!
Overall, even with the weaker storyline, I still give it 5/5 stars and recommend everyone go see it in a theater with good picture and sound. It's entertainment worth the crazy price of a movie ticket!
I am excited to see what the next Bond film will bring!
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