Here is an awesome photo that is circulating the news lately, even made the front page of the NY Times. Far left is Spc. Zachery Boyd reining down some pain on insurgents in his pink "I love NY" boxer shorts, red T, and flip flops! Turns out that Zach was in his sleeping quarters on his base in Afghanistan when his unit was attacked. He awoke to gunfire and I can only imagine what went through his mind, but it probably went something like this:
"$%&#! Lets see here, where are my pants, jacket, and boots? Hmmm, nowhere to be seen!?! Can't waste time, oh well, grab what's around, put on the helmet and body armor, grab the rifle and go!"
Mad props to you Zach for defending your platoon with no hesitation!
PS: Zach is ok and even got praised for his actions by the U.S. Defense Secretary, job well done soldier!
Everybody have a happy Memorial Day weekend and don't forget what the weekend really means. Props to all those who have lost their lives defending this country!
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