So I went and checked out the latest installment in the Terminator franchise today and I have to say that the movie did not live up to my expectations...but also have to admit that it was still fairly entertaining.
Way back when I first heard news about a new Terminator movie in the works and that it would be set in the future with Christian Bale playing John Connor, all I could think was that this film was going to be the blockbuster of all blockbusters! I have been a huge fan of the Terminator franchise and have long awaited a film that portraits the war vs. the machines post "Judgement Day." So maybe I went into it with expectations that were way too out of this world! :)
The movie was typical McG style with lots of flash and lots of superb visual/special effects (CGI was incredible), but contained less than desired dialogue and sup-par character development. The script did not allow Christian Bale to really capture the audience as John Connor because he was too busy jumping from action scene to action scene. The story itself also had a lot of holes in it and did not really do any justice to the whole saga that has been created via the first three films. I don't want to give anything away, as it's definitely a movie you should go see, but I came out of it with a lot of questions running through my mind. I am hoping that there will be another Terminator film (why not since Hollywood seems to have run out of ideas and this movie will make plenty of $$$$ to justify another installment) that has a deeper, more detailed man vs. machine storyline.
One reason to go see the movie, a kick a$$ surprise appearance in the film that had me stoked!
Samo's Rating: 3.5 Stars out of 5 - Movie needed more dialogue and could have benefited from being 45 minutes longer to bring continuity and sense to the story. Reminded me of 007: Quantum of Solace in that maybe there was too much action and not enough story...but then again, it is an "Action" movie.
Don't let the average rating get you down though, worth the price of a movie ticket so GO SEE IT!
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